Asbestos Testing

CDA state certified personnel provide clients with asbestos inspections/surveys following the protocol set by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Asbestos is a group of natural mineral fibers that are well known for their tensile strength and fire-resistant properties. Asbestos has been used in numerous building materials such as floor tiles, ceiling spray-on materials, roofing materials, and thermal system insulation for the construction industry. Although asbestos fibers come in blue, brown and green colors, the most common asbestos found in build materials in the United States is white asbestos. White asbestos is identified as Chrysotile. Significant exposure to any type will increase the risk of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and nonmalignant lung and pleural disorders, including asbestosis, pleural plaques, pleural thickening, and pleural effosions.
Federal and state regulations mandate that an asbestos survey be conducted on residential, commercial, and industrial structures prior to issuance of renovations/demolition permits. CDA utilizes NVLAP accredited laboratory to analyze materials for asbestos per applicable EPA methods. After the onsite asbestos survey, CDA prepares a comprehensive report detailing the findings to include analytical results, testing location maps, and corresponding photographs.
Asbestos can be found in these materials:
Have your home or office building tested today to protect your family and your employees!
Federal and state regulations mandate that an asbestos survey be conducted on residential, commercial, and industrial structures prior to issuance of renovations/demolition permits. CDA utilizes NVLAP accredited laboratory to analyze materials for asbestos per applicable EPA methods. After the onsite asbestos survey, CDA prepares a comprehensive report detailing the findings to include analytical results, testing location maps, and corresponding photographs.
Asbestos can be found in these materials:
- Vinyl Flooring
- Drop Ceiling
- Caulkings
- Window Glazing
- Roofing Materials
- Drywall
- Joint Compound
- Coatings for Roof Cement
- Gaskets for boiler/furnace
- Transite Siding
Have your home or office building tested today to protect your family and your employees!