Building Diagnostics Testing - Air and Water Infiltration Testing

CDA Environmental, LLC (CDA) assists residential and commercial business owners to identify and quantify air leaks in the building envelope and ductwork, building air flow, moisture intrusion issues, water leaks, high humidity problems.  Many of these issues can lead to higher energy bills, mold issues and discomfort in the structure. CDA inspects for areas of concern and potential causes for water leaks in walls, windows, roofs and more. By identifying and isolating these sources, you can increase the longevity of your building envelope’s system, reduce energy cost, and increase overall comfort. At CDA our experts have the knowledge, experience, certifications, and testing equipment to locate problems and make cost-effective recommendations. For more information please reach contact CDA and we would be glad to go over potential testing options for you and your specific issue(s).

Get Your Home or Office Tested Today!